I enjoy Simple and Delicious and am a fan of re-Pinning how to prep meals and save money each month. However, I have noticed a strange predisposition toward including meat in those suggested meals, even though it is very expensive compared to beans, dairy products, and other sources of protein.
In the next few weeks, I'm going to present different ways to both save money and eat healthy by reducing your purchase of meat.
1. But what about protein?
I think the largest concern people have about reducing their meat intake is that the lack of meat will cause bodily harm through a loss of protein. This shouldn't be a worry. Dairy, which is used with cereals and accents a number of dishes, is very high in protein. As long as you are eating dairy, you shouldn't worry.
Also, beans and legumes produce a high protein punch when combined with a carbohydrate (corn, wheat, rice, et cetera) and are dirt-cheap. Heck, even if you purchase the prepped organic beans, you are looking at $2 a pound at regular prices.
2. Do you mean NO meat?
I do not, although you are certainly welcome to go that route. You may even choose to after I present just how much money you can save! Personally, I purchase chicken when on sale and canned tuna somewhat regularly, bacon sometimes. The main difference is that meat is seen as a special item and used more to give flavor to a dish instead of being the entire dish when it is used. This idea of reducing meat also means not losing money using meat where it won't matter - many tacos and chilis come to mind.
3. Why do you seem to be singling out ground beef to exclude?
Because I am. One of the greatest lies we are being feed is that ground beef is cheap. It isn't. Where I currently live, it usually goes on sale for $3.99/lb. Chicken breasts go on sale for $2.99/lb. Canned beans go on sale for $0.79/lb. Why would I purchase beef?
When I first started cooking for myself and for my family, I went the ground beef route - making a lot of 'instant meals' (i.e. No veggies), tacos, and chilies. I was very proud of myself. It was only by accident and super tight budget that I realized the folly of this.
Also, red meat poses health risks to one's heart. It actually has a unique chemical in it which makes it unhealthy. Why would a spend more for something that is harming me? I should instead save that money and use it to splurge on a very nice steak.
4. Why do you care?
Because of the children. A lot of parents are turning to blogs for inspiration on how to stretch their budget to feed their children. Unfortunately, most of the money-saving blogs I have seen rely on ground beef for meals. As a result, fresh veggies and fruit are cut from the budget in order to support the exorbitant cost of this meat. This isn't good. If you and your spouse have to live on noodles, so be it, but that is not acceptable for growing children.
Parents and singles need more options for how to eat both cheap and healthy. I am hoping to help fill that gap.
5. But isn't being meat-less/healthy/etc MORE expensive?
No. It isn't. While a lot of vegetarians and vegans enjoy exotic produce and spices to switch up their meals, those ingredients are not necessary to have tasty meat-free meals. Also, there are several industries which make their money by convincing consumers to pay more for 'healthier' options. Don't listen to the hype, just check your labels. You'll often be surprised at what you find!
Also: $0.79 for a pound of prepared beans. No sodium, no fat. Just healthy. You can't argue with what an awesome deal that is!
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